Florida Association of Equine Practitioners 2023 Meeting #1 of 4 – Podcast #101

Here are the lectures covered on this half day.

1) Healing With Horse Power, Liberty Getman, DVM – discussing regenerative medicine for osteoarthritis using IRAP (interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein), PRP (platelet rich plasma), Restigen®, Pro-Stride® and PPP (platelet poor plasma). 

2) Emergency Service: Thinking Outside The Box, Amy Grice, DVM – The crisis of the reduction of equine veterinary practitioners is addressed, specifically in the ability to provide emergency care for clients. 24/7 availability ranks as the #1 reason a client chooses a veterinarian and the #2 reason practitioners quit.

3) The Science Of Joint Supplements: What Does The Evidence Say? Chris Elliott, MRCVS – A discussion of the various supplements used to remove pain from joints with osteoarthritis. He notes that we are moving away from pain medication towards antioxidant supplements that remove the cause of pain.

4) This wasn’t at the meeting but was worth reporting on. The Horse magazine posts a question about soybean meal (SBM), which the principal equine nutritionist at Purina answers. I discussed her response. Interestingly, I met her a few days later at this conference.

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