Visit With Dr James Belden – Equine Veterinarian Since 1964 – Podcast #106

James Belden, DVM, is a quiet horse vet who became a friend when I helped him find the Hertz car rental facility at Newark airport on a cold January day in 2006. From that serendipitous meeting, James became a mentor and kindred spirit. He is my colleague with more horse experience than I can imagine with all types of horses and veterinary cases.

James worked with horses on the farm as a boy and moved quickly through school, graduating from Cornell’s College of Veterinary Medicine in 1964. For over 31 years, he helped Thoroughbreds compete at the New York race tracks, working with some of the best and famous. He left the racing world and moved to South Florida, where he and his wife built Left Bank Equine, a farm for rehabilitating horses, and a thriving sport horse practice.

Today, at 83 years of age, Dr Belden is riding reining horses and specializing in “project horses.” He took some time to sit with me to discuss a variety of subjects you all will find interesting. Whenever James and I meet on a farm, time stops as we talk endlessly about horses and veterinary medicine. Sharp as a tack and with deep knowledge over more years than most, he offers his thoughts on today’s approach to horse care. He agreed to spend his time tonight as we would on any farm on any day. Our live audience had questions for him, and he gave his best thoughts based on a world of experience few other vets can match.

This discussion took place at a “Rounds With Doc T” meeting available to members of The Horse’s Advocate ( Attendees were able to ask questions throughout our time together. It’s on this podcast for all to hear worldwide because Dr. Belden’s knowledge is worth sharing with everyone.

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