Who Is To Blame? – Podcast #113

The first six weeks of 2024 have the highs of positive comments about horse owners changing the way they care for their horses, with them seeing positive results, and the lows of horse owners on the point of frustration because they can’t get the care they need. The lift I get from those who have found my information helpful is the fuel to keep me going. However, in the past seven days, several stories have come to me describing ineffective care, advice, and even outright inability to get anyone to visit a farm with a horse needing care.
My podcast examines what might be happening to the diminished care offered to our horses and where to assign the blame. If you are listening to this podcast, please look at the images in the show notes or listen to my description of the paintings.
You may be surprised at who I blame, so don’t get upset if I mention you in the run-up to my conclusion. As always, thank you for listening or watching. If you want to be part of the solution, pass on this information.
