Work In The Moment With Horses – Podcast #117

Published March 13, 2024

The First Law in my book, The Ten Irrefutable Laws Of Horsemanship, states, “A Horse Can Kill You.” They are quicker and more muscular than humans, with clubs at the end of each limb. My original mentor, John Steiner, DVM, was killed by a horse while he was working on a stallion after his retirement. This week, two horses tried to add me to the list of fatalities caused by horses.

But they didn’t.

This podcast is about why they didn’t, how I use the knowledge of the brain, and how both horses and humans think to connect and prevent a disaster. It might be refreshing, or it might be something you have heard before but need help understanding. Either way, it is how I have learned to connect with horses I’ve never seen before and, within 30 seconds, start floating their teeth without medication. What I do can be used today by you without any other gear. It is all in the way you think.

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