Travels With Doc T – June 19, 2014
I have finally gotten over last week’s all night driving from NY to FL. I have also calmed down from my first helicopter flying experience for Father’s Day. If you missed the video of me learning how to hover, go to my Facebook page and scroll back to Sunday. It was wild.
Here are some pics from last week in CT – a beautiful and classic red barn and the surrounding green fields (above). And for some reason, I love summer and buttercups. This one was of a thousand in this field.
Today, back in south FL, was one barn with a marlin hung over its entrance surrounded by traveler palms. The contrast of green against the blue barn and the sky is breathtaking for me.
Traveler Palms outside of a barn in Wellington, FL
The tree covered in lichen is interesting. Look closely and you will see a tie that has slowly been enveloped by the tree. It has been 20 years since it was installed and many years since it has been used.
20 years of tree growth around a horse tie on a farm in Loxahatchee, FL
That’s it for today. Some interesting stuff going on in the dentistry school. Man it’s a lot of work. But the most excitement is the publisher is sending me my proof copy of the new book. The actual book!! cover and pages and – everything! Once here and re-read and OK’ed, then its time to release it to the world. You will be the foist to hear about it!
Doc T